"Paul Dirac"是英语中的一个人名,直接用中文可以翻译为"保罗·狄拉克"。保罗·狄拉克是20世纪著名的理论物理学家,他提出了量子力学的形式化理论和反物质存在的理论,被誉为“现代物理学的爱因斯坦”。
以下是含有"Paul Dirac"的9个例句:
1. In 1933, Paul Dirac was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to the development of quantum mechanics.(xx年,保罗·狄拉克因其对量子力学发展的贡献而获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。)
2. Paul Dirac's equation describes the behavior of particles with spin 1/2, such as electrons.(保罗·狄拉克的方程式描述了具有自旋1/2的粒子,如电子的行为。)
3. Paul Dirac was known for his reserved and introverted personality.(保罗·狄拉克以其沉默寡言和内向的个性而闻名。)
4. The Dirac delta function, named after Paul Dirac, is a mathematical tool used to describe impulsive phenomena.(以保罗·狄拉克命名的狄拉克δ函数是用来描述突发现象的数学工具。)
5. Paul Dirac and Erwin Schrödinger were both pioneers in the development of quantum mechanics.(保罗·狄拉克和埃尔温·薛定谔都是量子力学发展的先驱。)
6. The Dirac sea theory proposes the existence of an infinite sea of negative energy states, first proposed by Paul Dirac.(狄拉克海理论提出了一种无限的负能态海的存在,是由保罗·狄拉克首先提出的。)
7. Paul Dirac was a member of the Royal Society and the National Academy of Sciences.(保罗·狄拉克是英国皇家学会和美国国家科学院的成员。)
8. The Dirac equation predicts the existence of antimatter, which was later discovered experimentally.(狄拉克方程预测了反物质的存在,后来被实验发现。)
9. Paul Dirac's work on quantum electrodynamics paved the way for the development of the Standard Model of particle physics.(保罗·狄拉克在量子电动力学的研究中为粒子物理学标准模型的发展铺平了道路。)