1. Lygodium是一种叶子可食用的蕨类植物。(中文翻译:Lygodium is a fern whose leaves are edible.)
2. 鬼蕨的茎可以用作药材。(中文翻译:The stems of lygodium can be used as medicinal herbs.)
3. Lygodium是一种可以攀爬的植物。(中文翻译:Lygodium is a climbing plant.)
4. 鬼蕨被广泛用于装饰和园艺。(中文翻译:Lygodium is widely used for decoration and gardening.)
5. 鬼蕨可以用来制作编织品。(中文翻译:Lygodium can be used to make woven products.)
6. Lygodium的茎叶可以用来制作绳索。(中文翻译:The stems and leaves of lygodium can be used to make ropes.)
7. 在自然生态系统中,鬼蕨是重要的土壤保持植物。(中文翻译:In natural ecosystems, lygodium is an important soil conservation plant.)
8. 鬼蕨可以用来制作纸张。(中文翻译:Lygodium can be used to make paper.)
9. Lygodium的枝叶可以用来制作花环和花篮。(中文翻译:The branches and leaves of lygodium can be used to make flower wreaths and baskets.)