1. Rhinotermitidae是白蚁中最严重的一种,它们对房屋和建筑的损害非常大。(英语:Rhinotermitidae is the most serious termite, causing significant damage to houses and buildings.)
2. 近年来,关于Rhinotermitidae如何在大城市中迅速蔓延的报道越来越多。(英语:In recent years, there have been increasing reports on how Rhinotermitidae can quickly spread in large cities.)
3. 在美国,Rhinotermitidae被认为是最具破坏力的白蚁,已经造成数十亿美元的财产损失。(英语:In the United States, Rhinotermitidae is considered the most destructive termite and has caused billions of dollars in property damage.)
4. 阜阳市的白蚁主要分为亚洲长角白蚁和Rhinotermitidae两种。(中文:The termites in Fuyang are mainly of two species: Asian long-horned termite and Rhinotermitidae.)
5. 学习如何预防Rhinotermitidae的蔓延是非常重要的,因为它们可以在几个月内摧毁家庭和建筑。(英语:Learning how to prevent the spread of Rhinotermitidae is crucial because they can destroy homes and buildings within a few months.)
6. 这个科学家研究了Rhinotermitidae的行为和生态,以便更好地理解这种昆虫。(英语:The scientist studied the behavior and ecology of Rhinotermitidae to better understand the insect.)
7. Rhinotermitidae常常被称为“白蚁中的恶魔”,因为它们可以在短时间内大规模破坏建筑物。(英语:Rhinotermitidae is often referred to as the "devil of termites" because they can cause significant damage to buildings in a short amount of time.)
8. 在澳大利亚,Rhinotermitidae是最常见的白蚁种类之一,它们会在家庭和工业建筑中造成严重的损害。(英语:In Australia, Rhinotermitidae is one of the most common termite species and causes significant damage to homes and industrial buildings.)
9. Rhinotermitidae是昆虫学中最臭名昭著的白蚁之一,它们可以在短时间内吞噬掉大量木材和纤维素。(英语:Rhinotermitidae is one of the most notorious termites in entomology, capable of consuming large amounts of wood and cellulose in a short amount of time.)