1. Spinosauridae是一类已灭绝的肉食性恐龙。
(Spinosauridae is an extinct family of carnivorous dinosaurs.)
2. 研究人员发现了一些新的Spinosaursidae化石。
(Researchers have discovered new fossils of Spinosauridae.)
3. Spinosauridae能够在水中游泳和捕食。
(Spinosauridae could swim and hunt in water.)
4. 这个自然历史博物馆有一个Spinosauridae骨架展览。
(This natural history museum has an exhibition of a Spinosauridae skeleton.)
5. Spinosauridae的颚部结构表明它们可能是鱼食动物。
(The jaw structure of Spinosauridae suggests that they may have been fish-eaters.)
6. 学者们正在研究Spinosaursidae的形态特征和生态适应性。
(Scholars are studying the morphology and ecological adaptation of Spinosauridae.)
7. Spinosauridae的脊椎棘可能起到支撑和调节体温的作用。
(The spinal spines of Spinosauridae may have served as support and temperature regulation.)
8. Spinosauridae的化石发现地点遍布全球。
(Fossil discoveries of Spinosauridae have been found worldwide.)
9. Spinosauridae是一个重要的古生物研究对象。
(Spinosauridae is an important subject of paleontological research.)