1. Anarhichas lupus is a predatory fish that lives in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. (石首鱼生活在北大西洋冰冷的水域中,是一种掠食性鱼类。)
2. Anarhichas minor is a small but highly aggressive fish that can be found in coastal waters, estuaries, and bays. (小石首鱼是一种小而极具攻击性的鱼类,可以在近海水域、河口和海湾中找到。)
3. Anarhichas denticulatus has a distinctive set of teeth that make it a highly effective predator. (微刺石首鱼拥有一组独特的牙齿,使其成为一种极其有效的掠食者。)
4. The Anarhichas species is highly prized by commercial fishermen due to its firm, white flesh. (石首鱼因其坚实、白色的肉质而受到商业渔民的青睐。)
5. Anarhichas minor is known for its extreme territorial behavior, often attacking other fish that come too close. (小石首鱼以其极端的领地行为而闻名,常常攻击过于靠近的其他鱼类。)
6. Anarhichas lupus typically feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. (石首鱼通常以甲壳类、软体动物和小鱼为食。)
7. The Anarhichas genus includes several species that are found in the Arctic Ocean. (石首鱼属包括几种在北极洋中发现的鱼类。)
8. Anarhichas minor is characterized by its elongated body, large head, and sharp teeth. (小石首鱼以其细长的身体、巨大的头部和锋利的牙齿而闻名。)
9. The Anarhichas family is part of the order Perciformes, which includes over 10,000 species of fish. (石首鱼科是鲈形目的一部分,包括超过10,000种鱼类。)