1. Callisto是伽利略四大卫星之一。- 中文翻译:Callisto is one of the four major moons of Jupiter.
2. Callisto的表面上有很多环形山。- 中文翻译: There are many craters on the surface of Callisto.
3. Callisto被认为是太阳系中最古老的卫星之一。- 中文翻译: Callisto is believed to be one of the oldest moons in the solar system.
4. Callisto上存在着一些可能是冰火山的特征。- 中文翻译:There are features on Callisto that may be cryovolcanoes.
5. Callisto的表面反射率很高,这意味着它表面上覆盖着大量的冰。- 中文翻译: Callisto has a high surface reflectivity, indicating a lot of ice on its surface.
6. Callisto的表面被认为是未经过多次影响的太空飞行器最安全的着陆点之一。- 中文翻译:The surface of Callisto is considered one of the safest landing sites for spacecraft that have not been impacted multiple times.
7. Callisto的环形山是由撞击形成的。- 中文翻译:The craters on Callisto were formed by impacts.
8. Callisto上有很多翼龙形状的地质特征。- 中文翻译:There are many pterodactyl-shaped geological features on Callisto.
9. Callisto的表面上发现了很多冰山。- 中文翻译:Many icebergs have been discovered on the surface of Callisto.