1. The dentine is a living tissue that surrounds the tooth's pulp. (象牙质是一种包围牙髓的活体组织。)
2. Dentine is sensitive to high temperatures and cold stimuli. (象牙质对高温和冷刺激很敏感。)
3. Cavities develop when bacteria erode the enamel and dentine of a tooth. (牙菌斑侵蚀牙齿的釉质和象牙质后,就会产生龋齿。)
4. The outer layer of dentine is harder than the inner layer. (象牙质的外层比内层更硬。)
5. When a cavity reaches the dentine, the tooth becomes more sensitive to sweets and hot or cold food. (当龋洞侵蚀到象牙质时,牙齿会对甜食和热冷食物更敏感。)
6. The dentine provides support and strength to the tooth. (象牙质为牙齿提供支撑和强度。)
7. Dentinogenesis is the process of forming dentine. (象牙形成是形成象牙质的过程。)
8. Dentin hypersensitivity is a common dental problem. (牙本质敏感是一种常见的牙科问题。)
9. The thickness of dentine varies from person to person and from tooth to tooth. (象牙质的厚度因人而异,也因牙齿而异。)