'Bouteloua curtipendula'是拉丁语,中文翻译为短悬鞘草。它是一种生长在北美洲西部的多年生草本植物,常被用作牧草或草地修复。
以下是9个含有'Bouteloua curtipendula'的例句:
1. Bouteloua curtipendula is a common grass species found in the Great Plains of North America.(短悬鞘草是在北美大草原常见的草种。)
2. The roots of Bouteloua curtipendula reach deep into the soil, making it a drought-tolerant species.(短悬鞘草的根深入土壤,是一种耐旱的植物。)
3. Bouteloua curtipendula is often used by ranchers to feed their livestock.(短悬鞘草常被牧场主用来喂养家畜。)
4. This prairie is dominated by Bouteloua curtipendula and other native grasses.(这片草原以短悬鞘草和其他本土草种为主。)
5. Bouteloua curtipendula is an important component of the grassland ecosystem.(短悬鞘草是草原生态系统的重要组成部分。)
6. The seeds of Bouteloua curtipendula can remain dormant for years before germinating.(短悬鞘草的种子可以休眠多年才能发芽。)
7. Bouteloua curtipendula is known for its attractive seed heads, which are often used in dried flower arrangements.(短悬鞘草因其美丽的种子头而闻名,通常用于干花装饰。)
8. The growth of Bouteloua curtipendula can be stimulated by controlled burning of the grassland.(通过草原的人工控制性烧草,可以刺激短悬鞘草的生长。)
9. Bouteloua curtipendula is a resilient species that can thrive in a variety of soil types and climatic conditions.(短悬鞘草是一种具有适应性、能够在多种土壤类型和气候条件下生长茁壮的植物。)