1. Cyclopterus lumpus是一种有趣的深海鱼类,它的头部中央有一个隐形的眼睛。
翻译:Cyclopterus lumpus is an interesting deep-sea fish with an invisible eye in the center of its head.
2. 我们在北极海发现了一个体型巨大的cyclopterus,这是一次难得的发现。
翻译:We found a giant cyclopterus in the Arctic Sea, which was a rare discovery.
3. 这个cyclopterus的眼睛虽然小,但视力非常好,可以追踪猎物在深海中的行踪。
翻译:Although the eye of this cyclopterus is small, its vision is excellent and can track the prey's movements in the deep sea.
4. Cyclopterus的脂肪含量很高,是很多北欧国家的美食之一。
翻译:Cyclopterus is high in fat content and is a delicacy in many Nordic countries.
5. 我们使用声纳探测到了一群cyclopterus在海底游动。
翻译:We detected a group of cyclopterus swimming on the seabed using sonar.
6. Cyclopterus属于深海鱼类,身体呈球形,很难被捕捉到。
翻译:Cyclopterus belongs to deep-sea fish and has a round body, making it difficult to catch.
7. Cyclopterus是一种非常珍贵的鱼类,价格非常昂贵。
翻译:Cyclopterus is a very rare fish, and its price is very expensive.
8. 学习Cyclopterus生态学对深入了解深海生物多样性非常重要。
翻译:Studying the ecology of Cyclopterus is essential for a deeper understanding of the biodiversity of deep-sea organisms.
9. Cyclopterus被认为是一种生物指示器,可以反映海洋环境的变化。
翻译:Cyclopterus is considered a biological indicator that can reflect changes in the marine environment.