audible是什么意思 audible的读音、翻译、用法

audible是什么意思 audible的读音、翻译、用法



1. The bird's song was audible from far away.(鸟鸣声在远处是可以听到的。)

2. The teacher's instructions were clearly audible to all the students.(老师的指示对所有学生来说都很清晰可听。)

3. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore was audible from our hotel room.(海浪拍打海岸的声音从我们的酒店房间里是可以听到的。)

4. The audience was restless, audible murmurings could be heard throughout the theater.(观众不安静,可以听到剧院里传来的嘀嘀咕咕声。)

5. The microphone was not working properly, so the speaker's voice was barely audible.(麦克风不正常工作,因此演讲者的声音几乎无法听到。)

6. The ticking of the clock was the only audible sound in the silent room.(钟表的嘀嗒声是这个安静的房间里唯一可听到的声音。)

7. The announcer's voice was loud and clear, audible to everyone in the stadium.(播音员的声音清晰响亮,所有在体育场内的人都可以听到。)

8. The baby's cries were audible from the next room, indicating that he was hungry.(婴儿的哭声从隔壁房间传来,说明他饿了。)

9. The thunder was audible in the distance, warning of an impending storm.(远处传来雷声,警示即将到来的风暴。)

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