Agrotis ipsilon是英文单词,意思是“黑渡假冠夜蛾”。这是一种蛾类昆虫,属于鳞翅目夜蛾科,广泛分布于全世界各地。
以下是9个含有Agrotis ipsilon的例句:
1. Agrotis ipsilon是一种具有经济和生态影响的有害害虫,已被广泛研究。
(中文翻译:Agrotis ipsilon is a harmful pest with economic and ecological impacts, and has been extensively studied.)
2. 除了Agrotis ipsilon之外,还有其他许多种类的夜蛾在这个地区出现。
(中文翻译:In addition to Agrotis ipsilon, many other species of moths appear in this region.)
3. Agrotis ipsilon对许多蔬菜和作物造成了重大损害。
(中文翻译:Agrotis ipsilon causes significant damage to many vegetables and crops.)
4. 这个研究旨在探讨Agrotis ipsilon的生命周期和行为特征。
(中文翻译:This study aims to explore the life cycle and behavioral characteristics of Agrotis ipsilon.)
5. Agrotis ipsilon的幼虫可以饲养在实验室中进行观察和研究。
(中文翻译:The larvae of Agrotis ipsilon can be reared in the laboratory for observation and research.)
6. Agrotis ipsilon会在地下越冬并在春季孵化。
(中文翻译:Agrotis ipsilon overwinters underground and hatches in the spring.)
7. Agrotis ipsilon成虫通常在夜间飞行,并对灯光有很强的反应。
(中文翻译:Adult Agrotis ipsilon moths usually fly at night and have a strong response to light.)
8. 在这个地区,农民们采取了多种措施来控制Agrotis ipsilon的数量。
(中文翻译:In this area, farmers have taken various measures to control the population of Agrotis ipsilon.)
9. 最近的研究表明,Agrotis ipsilon的数量正在增加,这可能会对农业产生更大的负面影响。
(中文翻译:Recent studies suggest that the population of Agrotis ipsilon is increasing, which may have greater negative impacts on agriculture.)