accord是什么意思 accord的读音、翻译、用法

accord是什么意思 accord的读音、翻译、用法


作为名词,'accord'表示“协议、同意、一致”。例如,“The two countries reached an accord on the trade issue.”(两个国家在贸易问题上达成了协议。)

作为动词,'accord'表示“授予、给予、相符合”。例如,“The company accorded her a promotion for her excellent work.”(公司为她的出色工作授予了晋升。)


1. The two sides finally reached an accord on the disputed territory.(两方最终在有争议的领土上达成了一致。)

2. The new policy must accord with the company's values.(新政策必须符合公司的价值观。)

3. I will accord you the respect you deserve.(我会给你应有的尊重。)

4. The judge accorded the accused a fair trial.(法官给了被告一个公正的审判。)

5. The law accords the right to free speech.(法律赋予了言论自由的权利。)

6. The hotel accorded us a discount for our long stay.(酒店为我们长期居住给予了折扣。)

7. I accord with your views on this matter.(我和你在这件事上的看法一致。)

8. The agreement was in accord with the wishes of both parties.(协议符合双方的意愿。)

9. The choir accorded perfectly with the orchestra.(唱诗班和乐团完美地协调在了一起。)

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