Orson Welles是什么意思 Orson Welles的读音、翻译、用法

Orson Welles是什么意思 Orson Welles的读音、翻译、用法

'Orson Welles'这个词语来源于英语,是指美国著名导演、演员和制片人奥森·威尔斯(Orson Welles),他是20世纪最重要的电影人之一,代表作品包括《公民凯恩》(Citizen Kane)和《第三男人》(The Third Man)。该词语常被翻译成“奥森·威尔斯”。

以下是9个含有'Orson Welles'这个词语的例句:

1. Orson Welles was a master of film noir.(奥森·威尔斯是电影黑色电影的大师。)

2. The radio drama War of the Worlds, directed and narrated by Orson Welles, caused a nationwide panic in 1938.(由奥森·威尔斯导演和叙述的电台剧《世界大战》在xx年引发了全国性的恐慌。)

3. Orson Welles' performance in The Third Man is considered one of the greatest in film history.(奥森·威尔斯在《第三男人》中的表现被认为是电影史上最伟大的之一。)

4. Orson Welles' last film was completed after his death.(奥森·威尔斯在去世后才完成的最后一部电影。)

5. Orson Welles' influence on cinema is still felt today.(奥森·威尔斯对电影的影响至今仍在发挥作用。)

6. Orson Welles' unfinished film The Other Side of the Wind was finally released in 2018.(奥森·威尔斯未完成的电影《风的另一面》终于在xx年上映。)

7. Orson Welles' Citizen Kane is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made.(奥森·威尔斯的《公民凯恩》被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的电影之一。)

8. Orson Welles was known for his innovative use of camera angles and lighting in his films.(奥森·威尔斯以他在电影中创新的摄影角度和灯光运用而闻名。)

9. Orson Welles' Macbeth is a unique adaptation of the Shakespearean play.(奥森·威尔斯的《麦克白》是对莎士比亚剧作的一种独特的改编。)

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