1. Erannis tiliaria是一种树蛾,分布范围广泛,主要在北美洲和欧洲出现。(中文: Erannis tiliaria is a moth that is widely distributed and occurs primarily in North America and Europe.)
2. Erannis defoliaria是一种常见的淡棕色树蛾,主要分布在北美洲和欧洲。(中文:Erannis defoliaria is a common light brown moth that is primarily found in North America and Europe.)
3. 由于其颜色和形状的相似,Erannis tiliaria往往被误认为是Erannis defoliaria。(中文: Due to their similarity in color and shape, Erannis tiliaria is often mistaken for Erannis defoliaria.)
4. 这只Erannis moth有一对美丽的褐色翅膀,看起来令人惊叹。(中文: This Erannis moth has a pair of beautiful brown wings that are breathtaking.)
5. 一些Erannis的物种在春季和秋季会产卵在树木上,供幼虫食用。(中文: Some species of Erannis lay their eggs on trees in the spring and fall for their larvae to feed on.)
6. Erannis leucophaearia在夜晚会居住在树上,白色斑点在黑暗中非常显眼。(中文: Erannis leucophaearia resides on trees at night, and its white spots are very visible in the dark.)
7. Erannis tiliaria的幼虫是一种以橡树为食物的蛾幼虫。(中文: The larva of Erannis tiliaria is a caterpillar that feeds on oak leaves.)
8. Erannis defoliaria在幼虫阶段会吃掉树木上大部分的叶子,因此经常被视为害虫。(中文: Erannis defoliaria often considered a pest as its larvae consume most of the leaves on the trees.)
9. Erannis tiliaria的幼虫是一种多毛的绿色毛虫,它们在树上非常难以发现。(中文: The larvae of Erannis tiliaria are fuzzy green caterpillars that are difficult to spot on trees.)