1. He’s a dilettante who likes to collect different varieties of tea.(他是一个业余爱好者,喜欢收集不同品种的茶叶。)
2. She’s not a serious musician, just a dilettante who occasionally plays the piano for fun.(她不是一个认真的音乐家,只是一个偶尔弹钢琴的半吊子。)
3. He’s a dilettante photographer who just takes pictures with his smartphone.(他是一个业余摄影师,只是用他的智能手机拍照。)
4. She’s a dilettante painter who’s never taken any formal art classes.(她是一个业余画家,从未参加过正规的艺术课程。)
5. He’s a dilettante writer who just scribbles short stories in his free time.(他是一个业余作家,只是在闲暇时间涂涂鸦鸦写写短篇小说。)
6. She’s a dilettante historian who only reads popular history books.(她是一个业余历史学家,只是阅读流行的历史书籍。)
7. He’s a dilettante chef who likes to experiment with cooking but has no formal training.(他是一个业余厨师,喜欢尝试烹饪,但从未接受过正式培训。)
8. She’s a dilettante fashion designer who just makes clothes for herself and her friends.(她是一个业余时装设计师,只是为自己和朋友做衣服。)
9. He’s a dilettante linguist who speaks a few languages but has no deep understanding of any of them.(他是一个业余语言学家,会几门语言,但对其中任何一门都没有深刻的理解。)