1. Polianthes tuberosa是一种热带植物,常被用作花束的组成部分。(English: Polianthes tuberosa is a tropical plant that is commonly used as a component of flower bouquets.)
2. 扶桑花属植物的花茎通常很高,可以达到150厘米左右。(English: The flower stems of Polianthes plants are typically tall, reaching up to around 150 centimeters.)
3. 据说扶桑花属被用作香氛材料已经有几个世纪了。(English: It is said that Polianthes plants have been used as fragrance material for centuries.)
4. 扶桑花属的花朵呈漏斗形,通常为白色或洁白色。(English: The flowers of Polianthes plants are funnel-shaped and typically white or off-white in color.)
5. Polianthes属植物的根部含有可食用的淀粉质。(English: The roots of Polianthes plants contain edible starch.)
6. 扶桑花属植物通常需要全日照,适宜在温暖的气候下生长。(English: Polianthes plants typically require full sunlight and thrive in warm climates.)
7. 许多种类的扶桑花属植物都具有强烈的芳香。(English: Many types of Polianthes plants have a strong fragrance.)
8. 扶桑花属植物的茎和叶子通常比较细长。(English: The stems and leaves of Polianthes plants are typically slender.)
9. Polianthes属植物有时也被称为“夜来香”。(English: Polianthes plants are sometimes also called "tuberose".)