1. Rhineura floridana is a limbless burrowing saurian found in the sandy regions of Florida.(Rhineura floridana是一种无肢的穴居蜥蜴,分布于佛罗里达州的沙地地区。)
2. The study of saurian physiology has led to new insights into reptile metabolism.(对蜥蜴生理学的研究为我们提供了对爬行动物新的代谢认知。)
3. Many species of saurians can regenerate lost tails.(许多种蜥蜴类动物可以再生失去的尾巴。)
4. The iguana is a type of saurian that is found in tropical regions around the world.(鬣蜥是一种分布在全球热带地区的蜥蜴类动物。)
5. Most saurians have four legs and are covered in scales.(大多数蜥蜴类动物有四条腿,并被鳞片覆盖。)
6. The saurian exhibit at the zoo attracts many visitors.(动物园里的蜥蜴类动物展览吸引了许多游客。)
7. The Chinese crocodile lizard is a rare and endangered saurian species.(中国鳄蜥是一种稀有而濒临灭绝的蜥蜴类动物。)
8. Snakes, lizards, and tuataras are all examples of saurians.(蛇、蜥蜴和塔塔拉蜥蜴都是蜥蜴类动物的例子。)
9. Anolis lizards are a diverse group of saurians found in the Americas.(安纳托利斯蜥蜴是生活在美洲的一个多样化的蜥蜴类动物群体。)