Freedom Tower是什么意思 Freedom Tower的读音、翻译、用法

Freedom Tower是什么意思 Freedom Tower的读音、翻译、用法

'Freedom Tower'是英语中的词语,可以翻译为“自由塔”,是指美国纽约市的一座摩天大楼,曾经是世界贸易中心双子塔被恐怖袭击后重建的标志性建筑,也是美国最高的一座建筑。

以下是9个含有“Freedom Tower”的例句:

1. The Freedom Tower stands tall in the skyline of New York City.(自由塔高耸于纽约市天际线上。)

2. The observation deck of Freedom Tower offers a breathtaking view of the city.(自由塔的观景台能够饱览城市的壮丽景色。)

3. Many people gather at the base of Freedom Tower to pay their respects to the 9/11 victims.(许多人聚集在自由塔底部向911受害者致以敬意。)

4. The construction of Freedom Tower required a lot of engineering expertise.(自由塔的建设需要许多工程专业知识。)

5. The lighting of Freedom Tower is particularly impressive at night.(自由塔夜间的灯光特别震撼。)

6. The terrorist attack on the original World Trade Center spurred the construction of Freedom Tower.(对原来的世界贸易中心的恐怖袭击推动了自由塔的建设。)

7. The design of Freedom Tower is meant to inspire resilience and hope.(自由塔的设计旨在鼓舞人们的坚韧和希望。)

8. Freedom Tower has become a symbol of strength and perseverance for the city of New York.(自由塔已成为纽约市的坚强和毅力的象征。)

9. The spire on top of Freedom Tower is a beacon of hope for the city's residents.(自由塔顶端的尖顶成为了城市居民的希望之光。)

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