1. 'rotary club'是英语单词,汉语翻译是“扶轮社”。
2. 扶轮社是一个国际性的非政府、非宗教、非营利性社团组织,致力于为社区和世界提供服务,并通过团结人们来促进肢体、知识和社交进步。
3. 他加禄扶轮社已经成立了xx年。- The Rotary Club of Tagaytay has been established for 50 years.
4. 扶轮社的成员经常参加志愿服务活动。- Members of the Rotary Club often participate in volunteer activities.
5. 扶轮社今年将举办慈善晚宴。- The Rotary Club will hold a charity banquet this year.
6. 扶轮社会员每年要交会费。- Members of the Rotary Club have to pay annual dues.
7. 扶轮社的宗旨是服务社区。- The goal of the Rotary Club is to serve the community.
8. 我的父亲是扶轮社的一员。- My father is a member of the Rotary Club.
9. 扶轮社的成员来自不同的职业背景。- Members of the Rotary Club come from different professional backgrounds.
10. 扶轮社会员的工作是建立起社会责任感。- The work of Rotary Club members is to build a sense of social responsibility.
11. 扶轮社的服务有全球性的影响力。- The service of Rotary Club has a global impact.
12. 扶轮社的项目解决的问题涵盖了教育、卫生和环保。- The issues addressed by Rotary Club projects include education, health, and environmental protection.
13. 扶轮社会员志愿为孤儿院提供支持。- Rotary Club members volunteer to support orphanages.
14. 扶轮社的使命是帮助减轻贫穷和提高生活水平。- The mission of the Rotary Club is to help alleviate poverty and improve living standards.
15. 扶轮社致力于通过服务来推动社区的进步。- Rotary Club is committed to advancing communities through service.