1. Cheilotrema sp.是一种寄生在鸟类肠道中的吸虫。
(Cheilotrema sp. is a trematode parasite found in the intestine of birds.)
2. Cheilotrema尚未在该地区的野生鸟类中发现。
(Cheilotrema has not been found in wild bird populations in the region.)
3. 其他吸虫,如Cheilotrema和Prosthogonimus,也被报道感染了雀类
(Other trematodes, such as Cheilotrema and Prosthogonimus, have also been reported to infect sparrows.)
4. Cheilotrema属于扁体动物门中的吸虫类。
(Cheilotrema belongs to the trematode class of flatworms.)
5. 这种唇截虫属的生命周期中需要两个不同物种的宿主。
(The lifecycle of this Cheilotrema species requires two different host species.)
6. Cheilotrema的成年虫体被寄生在鸟类的肠道中。
(Adult Cheilotrema parasites reside in the intestines of birds.)
7. Cheilotrema属于寄生虫类中的复杂寄生虫。
(Cheilotrema is a complex parasite belonging to the class of parasitic trematodes.)
8. 对于研究Cheilotrema寄生虫的生命周期,使用DNA分析技术很有帮助。
(The use of DNA analysis techniques is helpful in studying the lifecycle of Cheilotrema parasites.)
9. 对Cheilotrema的研究可以帮助我们更好地了解鸟类寄生虫学及其生态学领域。
(Studying Cheilotrema can aid in a better understanding of avian parasitology and its ecological implications.)