1. Safety is our top priority when working at a construction site. 安全是我们在建筑工地工作的首要任务。
2. Please fasten your seatbelt for your own safety. 为了自己的安全,请系好安全带。
3. The company has implemented strict safety measures to prevent accidents. 公司已经实施了严格的安全措施以防止事故发生。
4. Safety helmets must be worn in the factory at all times. 工厂内必须始终佩戴安全头盔。
5. The school provides safety training for all students before they start their laboratory work. 学校为所有学生提供实验室工作前的安全培训。
6. The airline has an excellent safety record with no major accidents in the past decade. 过去xx年中,该航空公司的安全记录非常出色,没有发生过重大事故。
7. The safety guidelines for using this equipment are clearly stated in the user manual. 使用该设备的安全指南在用户手册中明确说明。
8. The safety inspector checks the equipment regularly to ensure it is in good working condition. 安全检查员定期检查设备以确保其处于良好工作状态。
9. The government has launched a national campaign to promote road safety and reduce traffic accidents. 政府已经发起了一项全国性的运动,以促进道路安全,减少交通事故。