1. Pecten maximus是欧洲最大的扇贝品种,被广泛用于法国和英国的海鲜料理中。
(Pecten maximus is the largest species of scallop in Europe, and is widely used in seafood dishes in France and the UK.)
2. 在波多黎各,扇贝是一道受欢迎的传统菜肴,通常和植物ainame一起煮熟。
(In Puerto Rico, scallops are a popular traditional dish, often cooked together with the vegetable ainame.)
3. 美国马萨诸塞州的纳旦克特港以其优质的扇贝而闻名于世。
(Nantucket Harbor in Massachusetts, USA is famous for its high-quality scallops.)
4. 日本的北海道地区产出的扇贝肉质鲜美,是该地区著名的特产之一。
(Scallops from the Hokkaido region of Japan have a delicious taste, and are one of the area's famous specialties.)
5. 在中国,扇贝常被用来制作传统的海鲜饺子。
(In China, scallops are often used to make traditional seafood dumplings.)
6. 这幅画是以扇贝为主题的艺术品,展现了一群扇贝在海底游动的场景。
(This painting is an artwork with scallops as its theme, depicting a group of scallops swimming in the sea.)
7. 在西班牙,扇贝经常被烤制或煮成汤,并用橄榄油和青柠调味。
(In Spain, scallops are often grilled or made into soups, and seasoned with olive oil and lime.)
8. 扇贝的两个壳体可以分离,作为珠宝材料制成各种装饰品。
(The two shells of a scallop can be separated and made into various decorations as jewelry material.)
9. 这些扇贝被捕捞后,会被剥下外壳,然后处理为鲜嫩的肉质。
(After being caught, these scallops are stripped of their shells and processed into tender meat.)