1. She spoke in a monotone, making it difficult for the audience to stay focused.(她说话枯燥乏味,让观众很难集中注意力。)
2. The teacher's monotone voice put the entire class to sleep.(老师呆板的声音让整个班级都睡着了。)
3. The singer's performance was entertaining despite his monotone delivery. (尽管歌手的演唱方式单调无味,但他的表演还是很有趣的。)
4. Her presentation was marred by a monotone delivery that failed to convey any enthusiasm.(她的演讲因枯燥乏味的表达方式而受损,没有传达出任何热情。)
5. The actor's monotone delivery made it difficult to understand his character's emotions.(演员呆板的表演方式让人难以理解他角色的情感。)
6. The news anchor's monotone voice conveyed a sense of impartiality.(新闻主播单调的声音传达出公正的感觉。)
7. The robot's speech was monotone and lacked any inflection.(机器人的语音单调乏味,缺乏任何抑扬顿挫。)
8. His jokes fell flat due to his monotone delivery.(他的笑话因为呆板的表现方式而毫无趣味可言。)
9. The singer's beautiful voice was diminished by her monotone performance.(歌手美妙的嗓音因为单调无味的表演方式而被削弱了。)