'Louis Slotin'这个词语来源于英语。它是一个科学家的名字,Louis Slotin是曼哈顿计划中的一名加拿大物理学家,致力于研究核物理。
以下是9个含有Louis Slotin的例句:
1. Louis Slotin was conducting experiments on nuclear fission when a criticality accident occurred.
(Louis Slotin正在进行核裂变实验时发生了严重事故。)
2. The Louis Slotin Memorial Award is given annually to the best experimental physicist under the age of 35.
(Louis Slotin纪念奖每年颁发给xx岁以下最优秀的实验物理学家。)
3. Louis Slotin's work in the Manhattan Project greatly advanced the progress of nuclear physics research during World War II.
(Louis Slotin在曼哈顿计划中的工作极大地推进了第二次世界大战期间的核物理研究进展。)
4. Louis Slotin's experiments on neutron-induced fission were critical in understanding the behavior of radioactive materials.
(Louis Slotin有关中子诱发裂变的实验对理解放射性物质的行为至关重要。)
5. The Louis Slotin Papers contain a vast collection of research documents and personal letters.
(Louis Slotin文件中包含大量的研究文献和个人信件。)
6. Louis Slotin was posthumously awarded the Medal for Merit for his contributions to the United States' atomic bomb project.
(Louis Slotin因为为美国原子弹项目做出的贡献而被追授功勋奖章。)
7. Louis Slotin's death was a tragic reminder of the dangers of nuclear research.
(Louis Slotin的死亡是核研究危险性的悲惨提醒。)
8. The Louis Slotin Singularity is used to describe the point at which a nuclear reaction becomes uncontrollable.
(Louis Slotin奇异点用于描述核反应变得不可控的点。)
9. Louis Slotin's legacy continues to inspire generations of physicists and scientists.
(Louis Slotin的遗产继续启发世世代代的物理学家和科学家。)