Araucaria cunninghamii是什么意思 Araucaria cunninghamii的读音、翻译、用法

Araucaria cunninghamii是什么意思 Araucaria cunninghamii的读音、翻译、用法

'Araucaria cunninghamii'是英语词汇,中文翻译为“坚松”。



1. The 'Araucaria cunninghamii' trees grow tall and straight, providing a picturesque view of the forest.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的树木生长高大直立,为森林提供了美丽的风景。)

2. We planted several 'Araucaria cunninghamii' trees in our backyard to provide shade during hot summer days.(我们在后院种了几棵'Araucaria cunninghamii'树,以便在炎热的夏天提供遮荫。)

3. The timber of 'Araucaria cunninghamii' is highly valued for its strength and durability.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的木材因其强度和耐久性而备受重视。)

4. 'Araucaria cunninghamii' is a popular choice for Christmas trees in Australia due to its conical shape and symmetrical branches.(由于其圆锥形状和对称的枝条,'Araucaria cunninghamii'在澳大利亚是圣诞树的热门选择。)

5. The leaves of 'Araucaria cunninghamii' are needle-like and can grow up to 8cm long.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的叶子呈针状,可长达8cm。)

6. The cones of 'Araucaria cunninghamii' can take up to 3 years to mature and can weigh up to 5kg each.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的球果需要长达xx年的时间才能成熟,每个球果重达5kg。)

7. 'Araucaria cunninghamii' is a slow-growing tree, taking up to 10 years to reach maturity.('Araucaria cunninghamii'是一种生长缓慢的树木,需要长达xx年的时间才能成熟。)

8. The cones of 'Araucaria cunninghamii' are an important food source for wildlife, including birds and possums.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的球果是野生动物,包括鸟类和负鼠的重要食物来源。)

9. The wood of 'Araucaria cunninghamii' is commonly used in construction, furniture-making, and shipbuilding.('Araucaria cunninghamii'的木材常被用于建筑、家具制作和造船。)

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