'Nenad Bogdanovic' 是塞尔维亚的语言。它可翻译成中文为“涅纳德·博格达诺维奇”。
以下是含有“Nenad Bogdanovic”的9个例句:
1. Nenad Bogdanovic在荷兰的乌德勒支效力期间表现出色。
During his time at Utrecht in the Netherlands, Nenad Bogdanovic performed well.
2. 涅纳德·博格达诺维奇经常在比赛中打入关键进球。
Nenad Bogdanovic often scored crucial goals in matches.
3. 在塞尔维亚国家队中,涅纳德·博格达诺维奇通常司职前腰。
In the Serbian national team, Nenad Bogdanovic usually plays as an attacking midfielder.
4. 涅纳德·博格达诺维奇曾经效力于比利时的根特队。
Nenad Bogdanovic used to play for Gent in Belgium.
5. 尽管年龄不小,涅纳德·博格达诺维奇依然保持在球场上的活力。
Despite his age, Nenad Bogdanovic still maintains his vitality on the pitch.
6. 涅纳德·博格达诺维奇是塞尔维亚足球历史上的一大巨星。
Nenad Bogdanovic is a major star in the history of Serbian football.
7. Nenad Bogdanovic的技术非常出色,他在球场上常常展现出惊人的发挥。
Nenad Bogdanovic's technique is very outstanding, and he often shows amazing performance on the field.
8. 有传言称,Nenad Bogdanovic将会加盟中国的一支足球俱乐部。
It is rumored that Nenad Bogdanovic will join a football club in China.
9. 涅纳德·博格达诺维奇曾经在德国踢球,他为柏林赫塔效力过一段时间。
Nenad Bogdanovic used to play in Germany, and he played for Berlin Hertha for a period of time.