1. Dinophyceae是含有叶绿素a和c2、β-胡萝卜素和类胡萝卜素的海藻类。
(Dinophyceae is a group of algae that contain chlorophyll a and c2, β-carotene and carotenoids.)
2. Dinophyceae中的一些物种可以在水体中形成赤潮,对海洋生态系统造成危害。
(Some species of Dinophyceae can cause harmful algal blooms in the water, posing a threat to marine ecosystems.)
3. Dinophyceae的细胞壁通常由半纤维素、贝壳素和其他天然高分子材料组成。
(The cell walls of Dinophyceae are typically composed of cellulose, chitin, and other natural polymeric materials.)
4. 同一地区的不同水域中可能会存在不同种类的Dinophyceae,这取决于所处的环境条件。
(Different species of Dinophyceae may exist in different bodies of water in the same area, depending on the environmental conditions.)
5. Dinophyceae的分类非常复杂,需要进行基于形态学、生化和分子学等多方面的研究。
(The classification of Dinophyceae is highly complex and requires research from various fields, such as morphology, biochemistry, and molecular biology.)
6. Dinophyceae是一种重要的浮游生物,它们对于调控海洋生态系统有着重要的作用。
(Dinophyceae are important planktonic organisms that play a crucial role in regulating marine ecosystems.)
7. Dinophyceae中的一些物种可以在海洋中形成蓝色发光现象,称为海洋闪光现象。
(Some species of Dinophyceae can produce bioluminescence in the ocean, a phenomenon known as marine bioluminescence.)
8. Dinophyceae的数量和分布通常受到温度、盐度和光照等环境因素的影响。
(The abundance and distribution of Dinophyceae are typically influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, and light.)
9. Dinophyceae的某些物种可以产生毒素,可能会危及人类和其他生物的健康。
(Some species of Dinophyceae can produce toxins that may pose a threat to the health of humans and other organisms.)