1. Transamerica是一家知名的保险公司,成立于xx年。(中文翻译:Transamerica is a well-known insurance company founded in 1904.)
2. 我的妈妈在Transamerica工作,她是一名保险经纪人。(中文翻译:My mother works at Transamerica as an insurance broker.)
3. Transamerica是美国最大的年金提供商之一。(中文翻译:Transamerica is one of the largest pension providers in the United States.)
4. 我的保险计划是通过Transamerica提供的。(中文翻译:My insurance plan is provided by Transamerica.)
5. Transamerica Tower是圣弗朗西斯科市的一个标志性建筑。(中文翻译:Transamerica Tower is an iconic building in the city of San Francisco.)
6. Transamerica的商标是一只鹰,象征着力量和自由。(中文翻译:Transamerica's logo is an eagle, symbolizing strength and freedom.)
7. 我在Transamerica买了一份人寿保险,以便在我去世时能给我的家人留下一笔财富。(中文翻译:I bought a life insurance policy from Transamerica so that my family would have some wealth when I pass away.)
8. Transamerica的目标是为客户提供高质量的保险和金融服务。(中文翻译:Transamerica's goal is to provide high-quality insurance and financial services to its customers.)
9. Transamerica是一家重视社会责任的公司,他们经常参与慈善事业。(中文翻译:Transamerica is a company that values social responsibility and often participates in charitable activities.)