Laohekou是什么意思 Laohekou的读音、翻译、用法

Laohekou是什么意思 Laohekou的读音、翻译、用法


1. 老河口古渡口是中国古代的重要战略要地和交通要道。

(Laohekou Old Ferry is an important strategic location and transportation hub in ancient China.)

2. 老河口市地处中部地区,具有发展工业、农业和旅游的优越条件。

(Laohekou City is located in the central region, with excellent conditions for developing industry, agriculture and tourism.)

3. 老河口市大力推进城市绿化建设,争创全国园林城市。

(Laohekou City vigorously promotes urban greening construction and strives to become a national garden city.)

4. 沔阳湖位于老河口市东北部,是一处天然湖泊景区。

(Mianyang Lake is located in the northeast of Laohekou City, which is a natural lake scenic spot.)

5. 由老河口往南,有着著名的五虎山风景区,是国家5A级旅游景区。

(Going south from Laohekou, there is the famous Wuhushan Scenic Area, which is a national 5A-level tourist attraction.)

6. 这个老河口小吃店的特色是口味独具的蛋包饭。

(The feature of this Laohekou snack shop is the unique taste of egg fried rice.)

7. 山水老河口,人文千年。

(The landscape of Laohekou, with a history of thousands of years in culture.)

8. 老河口是汉江、沔江的分界点。

(Laohekou is the dividing point between the Han River and the Mian River.)

9. 老河口市是襄阳市南部的重要的行政区划和经济中心。

(Laohekou City is an important administrative division and economic center in the southern part of Xiangyang City.)

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