1. Ziguinchor是塞内加尔南部的重要商业和文化中心。
(Ziguinchor is an important commercial and cultural center in south Senegal.)
2. 那个商人经常从济金绍尔出口大米。
(The merchant often exports rice from Ziguinchor.)
3. 我们计划在济金绍尔附近的海岸线建立度假村。
(We plan to build a resort on the coastline near Ziguinchor.)
4. 济金绍尔是多个不同民族的人口的聚居地。
(Ziguinchor is a settlement of several different ethnic groups.)
5. 你去济金绍尔旅行吗?
(Are you traveling to Ziguinchor?)
6. 济金绍尔的港口是该国南部地区的主要港口。
(The port of Ziguinchor is the main port in the southern region of the country.)
7. 我们可以在济金绍尔的市场上买到当地手工艺品。
(We can buy local handicrafts at the market in Ziguinchor.)
8. 济金绍尔的音乐和舞蹈是塞内加尔文化的重要组成部分。
(The music and dance of Ziguinchor are an important part of Senegalese culture.)
9. 济金绍尔的人们非常友好和热情。
(The people of Ziguinchor are very friendly and welcoming.)