boy是什么意思 boy的读音、翻译、用法

boy是什么意思 boy的读音、翻译、用法



1. He is a clever boy.他是一个聪明的男孩。

2. The boy next door is always playing basketball.隔壁的男孩经常打篮球。

3. We need to find a babysitter for our baby boy.我们需要为我们的男婴找个保姆。

4. The little boy cried when he lost his toy.小男孩失去玩具后哭了起来。

5. The boys in the classroom were all excited about the upcoming school trip.教室里的男孩们都对即将到来的学校旅行感到兴奋。

6. They raised a brave boy who loves adventure.他们抚养了一个勇敢热爱冒险的男孩。

7. The boy standing at the bus stop looked lost.站在公交车站的男孩看起来很茫然。

8. The teenage boy was too shy to ask his crush out.这位十几岁的男孩太害羞了,连向心仪的女孩表白都不敢。

9. The boy ran as fast as he could to catch up with his friends.男孩全力奔跑,想要赶上他的朋友们。

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