'pirate' 这个词语来源于希腊语中的πειρατής,意思是“海盗”,后来被传入英语。在中文中,通常翻译为“海盗”。
1. The pirates had captured the ship and were holding the crew for ransom. (海盗们已经占领了船只,并扣押了船员作为赎金。)
2. The pirate tried to escape but was caught by the authorities. (海盗试图逃跑,但被当局抓住了。)
3. The merchant ship was well-armed to fend off pirate attacks. (商船装备充足,可以抵御海盗袭击。)
4. The pirate ship was flying the Jolly Roger, a symbol of piracy. (海盗船上飘扬着“欢乐的罗杰”旗帜,代表着海盗活动。)
5. The captain surrendered to the pirates rather than fight to the death. (船长选择向海盗投降,而不是硬拼到死。)
6. Pirates often used a hidden cove as a base of operations. (海盗经常利用隐蔽的海湾作为行动的基地。)
7. The pirates plundered the settlement, taking everything of value. (海盗洗劫了定居点,拿走了一切有价值的东西。)
8. The pirate captain was known for his cruelty and ruthlessness. (海盗船长以残忍和无情而著称。)
9. The navy dispatched a fleet to hunt down the pirate ships. (海军派遣舰队追捕海盗船只。)