ctenocephalides是什么意思 ctenocephalides的读音、翻译、用法

ctenocephalides是什么意思 ctenocephalides的读音、翻译、用法



1. I found ctenocephalides on my dog’s fur. (我在我的狗的皮毛上发现了跳蚤。)

2. Ctenocephalides felis is a common flea found on cats. (猫跳蚤是一种常见的跳蚤,常寄生在猫身上。)

3. The veterinarian prescribed a medication to kill ctenocephalides. (兽医开了一种药物来杀死跳蚤。)

4. Ctenocephalides can cause itching and skin irritation. (跳蚤可以引起瘙痒和皮肤刺激。)

5. The flea infestation was so bad that we had to call an exterminator to get rid of ctenocephalides in our home.(跳蚤感染很严重,我们必须召唤灭虫工来清除家里的跳蚤。)

6. The ctenocephalides was resistant to the usual type of flea medication. (这种跳蚤对通常的跳蚤药物有抗药性。)

7. It’s important to treat your pets to prevent ctenocephalides from spreading. (为了防止跳蚤传播,治疗宠物非常重要。)

8. Ctenocephalides are most active during warm weather. (跳蚤在温暖的天气下最为活跃。)

9. The ctenocephalides bites left red, itchy bumps on my skin. (跳蚤的咬痕在我的皮肤上留下了红色痒痒的凸起。)

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