Cupressus macrocarpa是什么意思 Cupressus macrocarpa的读音、翻译、用法

Cupressus macrocarpa是什么意思 Cupressus macrocarpa的读音、翻译、用法

'Cupressus macrocarpa'是拉丁文,中文翻译为“巨果柏”。

Cupressus macrocarpa是一种常绿乔木,高度可达25米,主要分布于加州和墨西哥的海岸地区。它的树干直立,树冠塔形,树叶扁平,呈鳞片状,颜色为深绿或蓝绿色。Cupressus macrocarpa是公园、庭院等城市环境中常见的景观树种,同时也是造纸和建筑材料的重要原料。

以下是9个含有'Cupressus macrocarpa'的例句:

1. Cupressus macrocarpa被广泛种植于沿海地区,以改善城市环境。

(Cupressus macrocarpa is widely planted in coastal areas to improve the urban environment.)

2. 这棵Cupressus macrocarpa有着浓密的树冠,能提供良好的遮阳效果。

(This Cupressus macrocarpa has a dense crown and provides good shade.)

3. Cupressus macrocarpa是建筑材料的常用原料,其木质坚硬、耐久、不易腐烂。

(Cupressus macrocarpa is a common material for construction, with hard, durable wood that is resistant to decay.)

4. 在公园中植被丰富,不同的植物如松树、Cupressus macrocarpa等层层相叠,形成美丽的景观。

(The park is rich in vegetation, with layers of different plants such as pine and Cupressus macrocarpa, creating a beautiful landscape.)

5. 考古学家在古代墓葬中发现了Cupressus macrocarpa的木制棺材,证明其在古代就已经被广泛应用。

(Archaeologists discovered wooden coffins made of Cupressus macrocarpa in ancient tombs, proving its wide use in ancient times.)

6. 这个海滨别墅的花园里栽种了很多花草和Cupressus macrocarpa。

(The garden of this seaside villa is planted with many flowers, plants and Cupressus macrocarpa.)

7. 父亲给我买了一盆Cupressus macrocarpa,让我在阳台上照顾。

(My father bought me a pot of Cupressus macrocarpa and asked me to take care of it on the balcony.)

8. 这个公园里的Cupressus macrocarpa树枝纵横交错,形成了一个葱郁的树冠。

(The Cupressus macrocarpa in this park has interlocking branches, forming a lush crown.)

9. 由于其耐旱、耐寒的特性,Cupressus macrocarpa被人们广泛种植用于干旱和山区的防护林。

(Due to its drought and cold resistance, Cupressus macrocarpa is widely planted as a protective forest in arid and mountainous areas.)

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