'Mark Hughes'是英语语言中的人名,中文翻译为马克·休斯,是一名英格兰前足球运动员和教练。他在球员时期就已经显露出出色的技术和天赋,并且在曼联和巴塞罗那等球队效力过,是英格兰足球的传奇人物之一。退役后,他转型为教练,并且执教过曼城、斯托克城等足球队。他被认为是英格兰足球的骄傲,也是一位备受敬仰的足球名将和教练。
以下是9个含有'Mark Hughes'的例句(带中文翻译):
1. Mark Hughes was a legendary footballer in England.(马克·休斯是英格兰的足球传奇人物。)
2. Manchester United's Mark Hughes scored a stunning goal in the FA Cup final.(曼联的马克·休斯在足总杯决赛中打进了一个惊艳的进球。)
3. Mark Hughes played for Wales national football team between 1984 and 1999.(马克·休斯在xx年至xx年期间为威尔士国家足球队效力。)
4. As a coach, Mark Hughes led Stoke City to a top-half finish in the Premier League.(作为教练,马克·休斯带领斯托克城队在英超联赛中获得了前半段的排名。)
5. Mark Hughes was named Premier League Manager of the Month twice in his career.(马克·休斯在他的职业生涯中两次荣膺英超联赛月度最佳教练。)
6. Mark Hughes is known for his no-nonsense approach to coaching.(马克·休斯以他的务实教练风格而闻名。)
7. Many football fans consider Mark Hughes as one of the best players in Manchester United's history.(许多足球迷视马克·休斯为曼联历史上最优秀的球员之一。)
8. Mark Hughes was appointed as manager of Queens Park Rangers in January 2012.(马克·休斯于xx年xx月被任命为女王公园巡游者队的主教练。)
9. Mark Hughes retired from professional football in 2002, but his legacy lives on.(马克·休斯在xx年退役,但他的足球传奇仍然流传至今。)