1. Orobanchaceae is a family of parasitic plants that do not contain chlorophyll.(列当科是一种不含叶绿素的寄生植物家族。)
2. The flowers of Orobanchaceae are usually small and often have bright colors.(列当科的花通常很小,但颜色鲜艳。)
3. Orobanchaceae is distributed in many parts of the world, especially in Europe and North America.(列当科分布在世界许多地方,特别是欧洲和北美洲。)
4. The hosts of Orobanchaceae are mainly herbs and shrubs.(列当科的寄主主要是草本植物和灌木。)
5. Orobanchaceae has been used in traditional medicine for treating various diseases.(列当科被用于传统医学中治疗各种疾病。)
6. The taxonomy of Orobanchaceae has been revised several times in the past decades.(过去几xx年,列当科的分类学已经多次修订。)
7. Orobanchaceae is a unique group of plants that have evolved to survive without photosynthesis.(列当科是一群独特的植物,已经演化出了在没有光合作用的情况下存活的能力。)
8. The seeds of Orobanchaceae are very small and require a host plant for germination.(列当科的种子非常小,需要寄主植物才能发芽生长。)
9. The parasitic lifestyle of Orobanchaceae has made it difficult to study their ecological roles in the ecosystem.(列当科的寄生生活方式使得在生态系统中研究它们的生态角色变得困难。)