'Sun Jian'不是语言,而是人名。Sun Jian是中国历史上的一位著名将领,他是东汉时期的人物,曾在战争中立下赫赫战功。常见的翻译有“孙坚”或“孙策父亲”。在中国历史文献中经常可以看到他的名字。
以下是包含“Sun Jian”这个人名的9个例句:
1. 孙坚是中国历史上著名的将领。
Sun Jian is a famous general in Chinese history.
2. 孙策父亲孙坚与袁绍相争。
Sun Jian, the father of Sun Ce, fought against Yuan Shao.
3. 孙坚曾经和黄巾军作战。
Sun Jian once fought against the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
4. 孙坚在濡须口被周瑜设计杀害。
Sun Jian was killed by Zhou Yu's design at the Battle of Ruxu.
5. 孙坚的儿子孙策也是蜀汉的重要将领。
Sun Jian's son Sun Ce was also an important general of Shu Han.
6. 孙坚的另一个儿子孙权成为了吴国的第一任国王。
Sun Jian's other son Sun Quan became the first king of Wu.
7. 孙坚逝世后,他的家族成为了东吴政权的支柱。
After Sun Jian's death, his family became a pillar of the Eastern Wu regime.
8. 孙坚是《三国演义》中的重要人物之一。
Sun Jian is one of the important characters in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
9. 孙坚的故事也被改编成了电影、电视剧和游戏。
Sun Jian's story has also been adapted into films, TV dramas, and games.