'brandy' 不是一种语言,而是一种酒精饮料。它是一种由蒸馏酿造酒类得到的烈性饮料,通常具有浓郁的香味和口感。
用法:Brandy 通常用来作为饮料,可以单独饮用或者与其他饮料混合。
1. She poured a glass of brandy and sipped it slowly. 她倒了一杯白兰地,慢慢地啜饮着。
2. The bartender served him a shot of brandy. 酒保为他倒了一小杯白兰地。
3. She added a splash of brandy to the coffee. 她往咖啡里加了一点白兰地。
4. He loved to sip brandy while reading a book. 他喜欢在读书时小酌白兰地。
5. They celebrated the occasion with a bottle of brandy. 他们用一瓶白兰地庆祝这个场合。
6. The host offered his guests some aged brandy. 主人请客人喝了一些陈年白兰地。
7. The brandy had a smooth and rich taste. 这款白兰地口感醇厚,味道丰富。
8. She used brandy as a flavoring in her signature dish. 她在自己招牌菜中加入了白兰地调味。
9. He bought a bottle of brandy as a gift for his friend. 他买了一瓶白兰地作为送给朋友的礼物。