Chloris gayana是什么意思 Chloris gayana的读音、翻译、用法

Chloris gayana是什么意思 Chloris gayana的读音、翻译、用法

'Chloris gayana'是英语,中文翻译为紫茎波罗草。它是一种多年生草本植物,原产于南美洲,现已被广泛引种到世界各地,用于草原种植、饲草和旅游景点的景观美化。

以下是9个含有'Chloris gayana'的例句:

1. Chloris gayana is a highly nutritious forage grass that is widely used in beef production.(紫茎波罗草是一种营养丰富的饲草,在牛肉生产中得到广泛应用。)

2. The establishment of 'Chloris gayana' pastures for cattle production has been successful in many countries.(紫茎波罗草牧场的建设在许多国家取得了成功。)

3. 'Chloris gayana' is drought tolerant which makes it an ideal grass for arid and semi-arid regions.(紫茎波罗草耐旱,是干旱和半干旱地区的理想草种。)

4. The introduction of 'Chloris gayana' has helped to improve livestock productivity in several African countries.(引种紫茎波罗草有助于提高一些非洲国家的畜牧业生产力。)

5. 'Chloris gayana' is also commonly used in landscaping and beautification projects due to its attractive appearance.(紫茎波罗草因其吸引人的外观而在园林美化项目中被广泛使用。)

6. The leaves of 'Chloris gayana' are long and narrow, and the seeds are a valuable source of food for many bird species.(紫茎波罗草的叶片长而窄,其种子是许多鸟类的重要食物来源。)

7. 'Chloris gayana' is an exotic species that has become invasive in some regions where it has been introduced.(紫茎波罗草是一种外来物种,在引入的一些地区已变得具有侵略性。)

8. The establishment of 'Chloris gayana' monocultures can lead to soil erosion and nutrient depletion.(建立紫茎波罗草单一种植园会导致土壤侵蚀和养分耗尽。)

9. 'Chloris gayana' is a good option for intercropping with legume species due to its ability to fix nitrogen in the soil.(紫茎波罗草因其在土壤中固定氮的能力,是与豆科植物间作的良好选择。)

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