'Vespula maculifrons'是英语词语,中文翻译为黄斑地蜂。它是一种黄蜂,产于北美洲,尤其是美国和加拿大。黄斑地蜂是一种社会性昆虫,通常在地下建立巢穴。它们主要以昆虫和花蜜为食。
以下是9个含有'Vespula maculifrons'的例句:
1. Yellow jackets, including the 'Vespula maculifrons', are aggressive insects that can sting multiple times.(黄蜂,包括黄斑地蜂在内,是会攻击的昆虫,可以多次蜇人。)
2. The 'Vespula maculifrons' is a common species of wasp found in North America.(黄斑地蜂是北美洲常见的黄蜂物种。)
3. The 'Vespula maculifrons' is known for its distinctive yellow and black markings.(黄斑地蜂以其独特的黄色和黑色斑纹而著名。)
4. If you encounter a nest of 'Vespula maculifrons', it is best to call a professional to remove it.(如果你发现了一只黄斑地蜂的巢穴,最好请专业人员来清除。)
5. The sting of the 'Vespula maculifrons' can be painful and even dangerous for those with allergies.(黄斑地蜂的蜇伤对于那些有过敏反应的人来说可能很疼痛甚至危险。)
6. Some people believe that certain plants can repel the 'Vespula maculifrons' and other wasps.(一些人认为某些植物可以驱赶黄斑地蜂和其他的黄蜂。)
7. The 'Vespula maculifrons' is just one of many species of wasps that can be found in North America.(黄斑地蜂只是北美洲众多黄蜂物种之一。)
8. The 'Vespula maculifrons' can be identified by its thin waist and bright yellow color.(通过黄斑地蜂的细腰和鲜艳的黄色可以进行鉴定。)
9. In the late summer and early fall, nests of 'Vespula maculifrons' can become very large and aggressive.(在晚夏和早秋,黄斑地蜂的巢穴可以变得非常大和攻击性强。)