1. 'Sony Ericsson'是瑞典的词语,翻译为索尼爱立信。
2. 索尼爱立信是一家曾经的跨国通讯设备公司,成立于xx年,总部位于瑞典。公司的产品包括移动电话、智能手机、平板电脑等。
3. 我的第一部手机是索尼爱立信,它陪伴了我好多年。(中文翻译:My first mobile phone was Sony Ericsson, it accompanied me for many years.)
4. 索尼爱立信的手机拥有很好的音质,我喜欢它们的音乐播放效果。(中文翻译:Sony Ericsson's phones have good sound quality, I like their music playback effect.)
5. 我的朋友使用的手机品牌有苹果、三星和索尼爱立信。(中文翻译:My friends use mobile phone brands such as Apple, Samsung and Sony Ericsson.)
6. 现在的手机相比起xx年前更加先进,但我还是留恋那时的索尼爱立信。(中文翻译:Mobile phones nowadays are more advanced than ten years ago, but I still miss Sony Ericsson at that time.)
7. 我曾经拥有一部索尼爱立信的滑盖手机,外形设计很漂亮。(中文翻译:I once owned a Sony Ericsson slide phone, the appearance design was very beautiful.)
8. 索尼爱立信的手机在当时非常流行,我也买了一部使用。(中文翻译:Sony Ericsson's phones were very popular at that time, I also bought one to use.)
9. 我不知道索尼爱立信的最后一款手机是哪一款,但我还是想怀念它们。(中文翻译:I don't know which is the last Sony Ericsson phone, but I still want to cherish their memories.)