1. Deightoniella ensicola是一种在亚马逊地区发现的新型霉菌。
Deightoniella ensicola is a new mold discovered in the Amazon region.
2. 在德国,Deightoniella腐烂病是一种常见的苹果病。
Deightoniella rot is a common apple disease in Germany.
3. 在西班牙,Deightoniella菌可引起柑橘和葡萄果实的腐烂。
Deightoniella fungi can cause fruit rot in citrus and grape fruits in Spain.
4. Deightoniella梗枯病是一种危害枸杞生产的病害。
Deightoniella stem blight is a disease that harms goji berry production.
5. 在巴西,橘子产业受到Deightoniella病害的严重影响。
The orange industry in Brazil is severely affected by Deightoniella disease.
6. Deightoniella rosmarini是一种感染迷迭香叶子的霉菌。
Deightoniella rosmarini is a mold that infects rosemary leaves.
7. 在葡萄牙,Deightoniella paradoxa是一种引起葡萄黑腐病的真菌。
Deightoniella paradoxa is a fungus that causes grape black rot in Portugal.
8. Deightoniella violae是一种寄生在紫色鼠尾草上的霉菌。
Deightoniella violae is a mold that parasitizes on purple sage.
9. Deightoniella toruloides是一种生长在树木上的木材腐烂真菌。
Deightoniella toruloides is a wood-rotting fungus that grows on trees.