GoldenEye是什么意思 GoldenEye的读音、翻译、用法

GoldenEye是什么意思 GoldenEye的读音、翻译、用法



1. James Bond is best known for his goldeneye watch. (詹姆斯·邦德以他的黄金眼手表闻名。)

2. The goldeneye satellite was used for reconnaissance by the United States during the Cold War. (黄金眼卫星在冷战期间被美国用于侦察。)

3. He has a goldeneye for spotting beautiful scenery. (他有一双眼睛能够发现美丽的风景。)

4. The goldeneye duck is known for its stunning plumage. (黄金眼鸭以其华丽的羽毛而闻名。)

5. The goldeneye salmon is a popular game fish in North America. (黄金眼鲑是北美洲流行的猎鱼。)

6. The GoldenEye video game was released in 1997. (《黄金眼》视频游戏于xx年发布。)

7. The GoldenEye movie starred Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. (《黄金眼》电影由皮尔斯·布鲁斯南饰演詹姆斯·邦德。)

8. The goldeneye plant is used in traditional medicine for its healing properties. (黄金眼植物因其治疗性质而被用于传统医学。)

9. She has a goldeneye for finding hidden gems in secondhand stores. (她有一双眼睛能够在二手店里找到隐藏的宝石。)

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