这个词语是以丹麦物理学家奥斯特(Hans Christian Oersted)的名字命名的。他于xx年首次发现电流可产生磁场的现象,这就是所谓的“奥斯特效应”。
1. Hans Christian Oersted是电磁学领域的重要先驱。
Hans Christian Oersted is an important pioneer in the field of electromagnetism.
2. 厄斯特效应对现代电子技术的发展产生了深远的影响。
The Oersted effect has had a profound impact on the development of modern electronics.
3. 厄斯特磁场计用于测量磁场的强度和方向。
The Oersted magnetometer is used to measure the strength and direction of magnetic fields.
4. 厄斯特发现电和磁之间的关系是电磁学发展的重要里程碑。
Oersted's discovery of the relationship between electricity and magnetism was an important milestone in the development of electromagnetism.
5. 厄斯特定律描述了电流在磁场中的受力情况。
Oersted's law describes the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field.
6. 学生们正在实验室里使用厄斯特磁场计测量磁场的方向。
The students in the laboratory are using an Oersted magnetometer to measure the direction of the magnetic field.
7. 厄斯特的发现促进了磁共振成像技术的发展。
Oersted's discovery was instrumental in the development of magnetic resonance imaging technology.
8. 厄斯特效应解释了电动机和发电机的工作原理。
The Oersted effect explains the operation of electric motors and generators.
9. 厄斯特的发现也为研究磁学提供了新的方向。
Oersted's discovery also provided a new direction for the study of magnetism.