Xeromegachile是什么意思 Xeromegachile的读音、翻译、用法

Xeromegachile是什么意思 Xeromegachile的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Xeromegachile bees are well adapted to the arid environment of the southwestern United States.(干燥巨蜂很适应美国西南地区的干旱环境。)

2. Xeromegachile cephalotes is a species of bee that is commonly found in desert areas.(头骨干燥巨蜂是一种常见于沙漠地区的蜜蜂。)

3. The Xeromegachile genus is known for its ability to collect pollen from drought-resistant plants.(干燥巨蜂属以从耐旱植物上采集花粉的能力而闻名。)

4. Xeromegachile sonorensis is a solitary bee species that prefers to nest in sandy soils.(索诺伦斯干燥巨蜂是一种独居蜜蜂,喜欢在沙质土壤中筑巢。)

5. The Xeromegachile bees have evolved to have longer tongues, which enables them to access the nectar of deeper flowers.(干燥巨蜂进化出较长的舌头,使它们能够吸取深处花蜜。)

6. Xeromegachile maculata is a ground-nesting bee that can be found in the Sonoran Desert.(斑点干燥巨蜂是一种常见于索诺伦沙漠的地穴蜜蜂。)

7. The Xeromegachile bees are important pollinators for many desert plants, including mesquite and palo verde.(干燥巨蜂是许多沙漠植物的重要传粉者,包括豆科和金合欢。)

8. Xeromegachile texensis is a native Texas bee species that can withstand extreme heat and drought.(德克萨斯干燥巨蜂是一种本土德克萨斯州的蜜蜂物种,可以承受极端的炎热和干旱。)

9. The Xeromegachile bees are known for their distinctive black and white stripes and their habit of burrowing in the ground.(干燥巨蜂以其独特的黑白条纹和在地下挖洞的习性而闻名。)

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