'trypetidae' 不是一个国家的语言,而是一个昆虫学术语,翻译为“原蝇科”,是指一类小型的双翅目昆虫,以植物为食。常见翻译为“原蝇科”。
1. The trypetidae family consists of small, plant-feeding flies.(原蝇科由小型、以植物为食的蝇类组成)
2. The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) belongs to the trypetidae family.(橄榄果实蝇属于原蝇科)
3. Some species of trypetidae are important crop pests.(一些原蝇科物种是重要的农作物害虫)
4. The life cycle of trypetidae often involves the development of larvae inside fruit.(原蝇科昆虫的生命周期通常涉及幼虫在果实内的发育)
5. The host range of trypetidae varies, with some species targeting only specific plant species.(原蝇科昆虫寄主范围不同,有些物种只针对特定的植物物种)
6. The taxonomy of trypetidae is still being studied and revised.(原蝇科的分类学仍在研究和修订中)
7. Insecticides are often used to control trypetidae infestations in crops.(杀虫剂通常用于控制农作物中的原蝇科虫害)
8. The behavior and ecology of trypetidae vary among species.(原蝇科的行为和生态在不同物种中有所不同)
9. The identification of trypetidae species can be difficult due to their small size and morphological similarities.(由于原蝇科物种体型小而形态相似,它们的鉴定可能会很困难)