slip是什么意思 slip的读音、翻译、用法

slip是什么意思 slip的读音、翻译、用法


在英语中,“slip”除了表示物体滑动或滑落的意思外,还可以表示疏忽、错失、跌落等意思。例如,“slip of the tongue”意为“口误”,“slip up”意为“出错”。


1. I nearly slipped on the wet floor.(我差点在湿滑的地板上滑倒。)

2. She caught the ball just as it was about to slip through her fingers.(她在球快要从手指间滑落时抓住了它。)

3. He slipped up and forgot to include an important detail.(他疏忽了,忘了加入一个重要细节。)

4. She received a slip of paper with the address on it.(她收到了一张写有地址的纸条。)

5. The company was let down by a slip in the supply chain.(公司由于供应链上出现疏忽而受到了损失。)

6. He tried to slip away unnoticed, but was caught by his boss.(他试图不引人注意地溜走,但被他的老板抓住了。)

7. The dress needs to be altered as it keeps slipping down.(这件裙子需要改一下,因为它总是往下滑。)

8. She slipped on her gloves and headed out into the cold.(她戴上手套,走出去面对寒冷。)

9. He slipped into the meeting room unnoticed and listened in on the conversation.(他悄悄溜进会议室,听了对话。)

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