coda是什么意思 coda的读音、翻译、用法

coda是什么意思 coda的读音、翻译、用法




1. The Symphony ended with a beautiful coda.(交响乐以美丽的尾声结束了。)

2. The pianist added a short coda to the piece.(钢琴家为这个曲子加了一个短小的尾声。)

3. The choir sang the coda with great emotion.(合唱团带着强烈的情感唱完了这个尾声。)

4. The band didn't include a coda in their new song.(这支乐队在他们的新歌中没有包括尾声。)

5. The composer wrote a beautiful coda for the opera.(作曲家为这部歌剧写了一个美丽的尾声。)

6. The audience was moved by the coda.(观众被这个尾声感动了。)

7. The violin soloist played the coda flawlessly.(小提琴独奏演奏了这个尾声,毫无瑕疵。)

8. The jazz band included a long improvised coda in their performance.(这支爵士乐队在表演中加入了一段长而自由的尾声。)

9. The conductor signaled the orchestra to start the coda.(指挥家示意乐团开始尾声。)

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