'Petrichor' 是来自希腊语的词语,由“petros”(石头)和“ichor”(神仙的精华)组成,意为“石头精华的气味”。它指的是下雨后土地散发出的一种清新芳香的气味,这是由于雨水滴落在干燥的土地上,使土壤中的气味分子挥发而产生的。
以下是9个含有 'petrichor' 的例句,使用英语和中文进行翻译:
1. The petrichor filled the air after the summer rain.(夏日雨后,空气中弥漫着 petrichor 的清香。)
2. The desert petrichor is one of the most refreshing smells in the world.(沙漠 petrichor 是世界上最清新的气味之一。)
3. I love opening my window after the rain to let the petrichor in.(我喜欢在雨后打开窗户,让 petrichor 进入室内。)
4. The petrichor scent reminds me of my childhood in the countryside.(petrichor 的香气让我想起了在乡村度过的童年时光。)
5. Petrichor is a natural aromatherapy that can improve your mood.(petrichor 是一种天然的芳香疗法,可以改善情绪。)
6. The petrichor scent of the forest is my favorite smell in the world.(森林中的 petrichor 香味是我最喜欢的气味。)
7. The petrichor smell is so strong today because it rained all night.(今天的 petrichor 气味非常浓郁,因为昨晚一直下雨。)
8. I wish I could bottle the petrichor smell and carry it with me everywhere.(我希望我能把 petrichor 的香味装进瓶子里,随身携带。)
9. The petrichor aroma is a natural perfume that can make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.(petrichor 的香气是一种天然的香水,可以让你感到放松和焕发活力。)