ilarvirus是什么意思 ilarvirus的读音、翻译、用法

ilarvirus是什么意思 ilarvirus的读音、翻译、用法




1. The outbreak of 'ilarvirus' has caused major crop losses in the region.('ilarvirus'的爆发导致该地区的农作物大量损失。)

2. It is important to take measures to prevent the spread of 'ilarvirus' to other areas.(采取措施防止'ilarvirus'传播到其他地区至关重要。)

3. The symptoms of 'ilarvirus' infection in corn include yellowing leaves and reduced yield.(玉米感染'ilarvirus'的症状包括叶片变黄和产量减少。)

4. Researchers are studying the genetic makeup of 'ilarvirus' to develop new ways of controlling the disease.(研究人员正在研究'ilarvirus'的基因组成,以开发控制该病的新方法。)

5. The use of resistant crop varieties is one way to reduce the impact of 'ilarvirus' on agriculture.(使用抗病作物品种是减轻'ilarvirus'对农业影响的一种方式。)

6. 'ilarvirus' can also infect other plants, such as peppers and tomatoes.('ilarvirus'还可以感染其他植物,例如辣椒和番茄。)

7. Growers should be aware of the potential risks of 'ilarvirus' and take steps to prevent its spread.(种植者应该意识到'ilarvirus'的潜在风险并采取措施防止其传播。)

8. The occurrence of 'ilarvirus' in a particular area can have significant economic consequences.(在特定地区发生'ilarvirus'可能具有重大的经济后果。)

9. Early detection of 'ilarvirus' infection is critical to minimizing its impact on crop production.(早期发现'ilarvirus'感染对于最小化其对作物生产的影响至关重要。)

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